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千亿体育app官方下载|被拒绝直销 特斯拉非特许经营不可

发布日期:2024-02-13 04:52 浏览次数:
本文摘要:From Georgia to New Jersey, states have attacked Tesla’s direct sales model, in some cases banning sales of the company’s electric vehicles entirely. Through it all, founder Elon Musk has stayed committed to the dogma that franchising would destroy its business model.从乔治亚州到新泽西州,美国的不少州都压制了特斯拉的传销模式,有些州甚至几乎禁令特斯拉(Tesla)电动汽车的销售。

From Georgia to New Jersey, states have attacked Tesla’s direct sales model, in some cases banning sales of the company’s electric vehicles entirely. Through it all, founder Elon Musk has stayed committed to the dogma that franchising would destroy its business model.从乔治亚州到新泽西州,美国的不少州都压制了特斯拉的传销模式,有些州甚至几乎禁令特斯拉(Tesla)电动汽车的销售。但尽管如此,特斯拉的创始人埃隆马斯克依然坚决指出,对外开放授权经营将伤害特斯拉的业务模式。Soon, that may change.但是这种情况有可能迅速就不会发生变化。In an interview with Autoline Daily last month, Musk implied that the company might be easing up on the anti-franchising policy. The industry publication quotes him saying, as the company grows, “we may need a hybrid system, with a combination of our own stores and some dealer franchises.”马斯克上个月在拒绝接受《汽车日报》(Autoline Daily)专访时似乎,特斯拉也许不会放开其一贯赞成授权经营的政策。

该刊物援引马斯克的话称之为,随着公司的发展,“我们有可能必须一个混合型体系,其中既有我们自己的门店,也有一些授权经营的经销商。”Coming from the CEO of the company that has referred to the direct sales model as “vital, ” this is a big deal. Tesla has faced off against auto dealers associations across the country who have argued that the company’s direct sales model violates state laws. Since every state has slightly different laws to deal with auto franchises, every time a new state takes up the cause, the issue can seem more convoluted.这番话出自一位视传销为“命根子”的CEO之口,堪称是一件大事。之前全美各地的汽车经销商协会都谴责特斯拉的传销模式违背了各州法律。

由于美国各州有关汽车业授权经营权的法律略为有有所不同,每次有新的州参予进去,问题都会显得更加简单一些。In October, Michigan became the fifth sate to ban direct sales of Tesla vehicles, as all new-car dealers are required to provide a franchise agreement. Auto dealers in states including Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri have argued that Tesla’s direct sales model undercuts the franchise model and threatens consumers’ ability to utilize dealers as advocates separate from manufacturers. As Tesla is forced to tangle with more and more state, it looks like Musk may have to temper his dedication to direct sales.今年10月,密歇根沦为第5个禁令特斯拉电动汽车传销的州,理由是该州所有的新车经销商都要提交授权经营协议。乔治亚州、纽约州、宾西法尼亚州、俄亥俄州和密苏里州等地的汽车经销商也争相谴责特斯拉的传销模式对授权经营模式造成了伤害。

随着特斯拉要应付的州更加多,马斯克或许也只好稍微放开他对传销的执着。“I think eventually they will have to [franchise], ” says Lou Chronowski, a Chicago-based attorney with Dykema who has worked on automotive and franchise industry cases. “I think that the powers of the dealers and the dealer bodies are so strong, they can keep them at bay for a while, but eventually, they will need to have franchise dealers.”坐落于芝加哥的Dykema律师事务所的律师卢克鲁诺瓦斯恩曾多次接掌过一些汽车业和授权经营行业的案例,他回应:“我指出最后他们必需回头(授权经营)这条路。我实在经销商的力量和经销商网络是很强劲的,他们可以一时间令其他们没办法,但最后他们还是必须授权经营经销商的。

”Chronowski says that dealers are worried that Tesla and other potential entrants in the auto industry using a direct sales model could provide major competition, with the ability to sell cars at lower prices than the competition. Plus, some dealers would like the opportunity to own a Tesla franchise themselves.克鲁诺瓦斯恩回应,广大经销商们担忧,特斯拉和其他有可能杀进汽车行业的“黑马”,不会凭借传销模式导致十分白热化的竞争,因为传销模式下的汽车售价需要明显高于竞品。此外,有些经销商自己也乐意享有一家特斯拉的经销门店。“I think that this has always been just a timing issue. I think the reality is that Tesla did it the way they had to do it, being in the startup mode, ” he says. “They really couldn’t start a dealer network and then start selling cars. There just isn’t enough money in the world to do that.”克鲁诺瓦斯基说:“我指出这就是个时间问题。我指出特斯拉以往的作法是因为他们被迫这样做到,因为它仍然正处于创业模式。

所以他们不有可能一开始就通过创建一个经销商网络来卖车,因为他们没充足的资金。”A Tesla spokesperson emphatically denies any franchising rumors (“There are no plans to franchise in any capacity”), but says the car maker may be open to a different, “hybrid” model.特斯拉公司的一位发言人极力坚称了任何有关授权经营的传闻(“目前没任何授权经营计划”),不过同时他也回应,特斯拉可能会实行一种所谓的“混合型”模式。






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