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发布日期:2024-08-19 04:52 浏览次数:
本文摘要:The photo — of a tricked-out minivan — was posted by Claycord.com, a local news site for the East Bay San Francisco suburbs of Clayton and Concord. The thing looked to me like one of Google’s street-mapping cars, only bigger.这辆奢华微面的照片最初被张贴到旧金山东部湾区克莱顿和康科德地区的地方新闻站点Claycord.com上。

The photo — of a tricked-out minivan — was posted by Claycord.com, a local news site for the East Bay San Francisco suburbs of Clayton and Concord. The thing looked to me like one of Google’s street-mapping cars, only bigger.这辆奢华微面的照片最初被张贴到旧金山东部湾区克莱顿和康科德地区的地方新闻站点Claycord.com上。这辆微面看上去类似于摄制谷歌(Google)街景的那种车子,只不过额大一些。The assertion — that it’s a self-driving car — was made by Rob Enderle, a TV-friendly pundit who has made a career of being wrong about Apple.断言它是一辆无人驾驶汽车的人名为罗布o恩德纳,他是一位常常上电视的评论员,他的工作就是专门做到一些对苹果的不靠谱预测。

The uncheckable fact — that the van was rented out to Apple — came from KPIX TV, the local CBS affiliate. It’s uncheckable because motor vehicle departments don’t release that kind of information, even to a private investigator, without a legitimate reason. (I know, I’ve tried.)CBS电视台在当地的分台KPIX TV电视台随后称之为,这辆微面是被租用苹果公司的。但这也是一个无法求证的事实,因为机动车管理部门是会公布此类信息的,在没合法理由的情况下,也会透漏给私人调查者。

(我告诉,因为我尝试过。)From there, Business Insider ran with it.就在此时,《商业内幕》(Business Insider)杂志也开始抹黑此事。

o There’s a mysterious Apple van driving around San Franciscoo 有一辆谜样的苹果面包车外面旧金山转悠。o It turns out those cameras on top of the mystery Apple van COULD be used for a self driving caro 这辆谜样的苹果面包车顶部的摄像头可以用作无人驾驶汽车。o Apple employee: We’re working on something that will ‘give Tesla a run for its money’o 苹果员工:我们正在研制一种“能和特斯拉一比高下的产品”。

o RUMOR: Apple has poached a bunch of people from Tesla, and it IS making a caro 谣言:苹果早已从特斯拉挖来了一票人马,并且正在研制汽车。When Henry Blodget’s news organization labels as “rumor” a story built on a tissue of rumors they themselves have been spinning, journalists should tread carefully. I’m surprised John Gruber touched it.亨利o布罗吉特的《商业内幕》在一系列谣传的基础上拼凑出一篇报导后,“三人成虎”的效应开始缩放,记者朋友们一定要慎重发送。令其我吃惊的是著名撰稿人约翰o格鲁伯竟然也提及了此事。






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